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Slash Commands

Slash commands can be used to execute Discord slash commands. The searchslash command can be used to search for slash commands, and the executeslash command can be used to execute them.

Slash Command Jobs

Check out the Slash Command Jobs page for more information.

Command List

searchslashSearch a slash command[p]searchslash <query> [server id]
executeslashRun a slash command[p]executeslash <#channel> <@bot> <command> [options...]
slashcommandjobhelpMore information about slash command jobs[p]slashcommandjobhelp
listscjobsList all slash command jobs[p]listscjobs
getscjobGet info about a slash command job[p]getscjob <job name>
createscjobCreate a slash command job[p]createscjob <job name> <#channel> <@bot> <interval> <command> [options...]
deletescjobDelete a slash command job[p]deletescjob <job name>
setscjobcommandSet a job's command[p]setscjobcommand <job name> <@bot> <command> [options...]
setscjobchannelSet a job's channel[p]setscjobcommand <job name> <#channel>
setscjobintervalSet a job's interval[p]setscjobinterval <job name> <interval>
setscjobpausedPause or unpause a job[p]setscjobpaused <job name> <on/off>