Below is a list of features that are available in LightningBot. The pages in this section provide extra documentation for the features that require it, so not all features will be listed. Check out the Commands section for more features, like the Spotify integration or Backup commands.
📄️ UI
Information about the UI.
📄️ Web Dashboard
Information about the LightningBot Dashboard.
📄️ Snipers
Information about LightningBot's snipers.
📄️ Events
Get notified when certain events occur.
📄️ Protections
Protect your account and servers from malicious users.
📄️ AFK Mode
AFK mode lets people know you're away.
📄️ Slash Command Jobs
Execute slash commands at a specific interval.
📄️ Extensions
Add features to LightningBot with extensions.
📄️ Variables
Use dynamic variables to customize LightningBot.