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LightningBot has a variety of dynamic variables that you can use to customize parts of the bot to your liking. These variables can be used in Custom Activity fields, the title and the footer of embeds, and in the AFK message. The variables are replaced with their corresponding values when the bot sends a message or sets the activity.

$VERSIONThe current version of LightningBot.
$DATEThe current local date.
$TIMEThe current local time.
$TIME(TIMEZONE)The current time in the specified timezone. Use one of the tzdata timezones.$TIME(America/New_York)
$UPTIMEThe bot's uptime.
$USEDCOMMANDSThe number of commands you have used.
$TOTALCOMMANDSThe total number of commands available.
$EXTENSIONSThe number of extensions you have loaded.
$SERVERSThe number of servers the you're in.
$FRIENDSThe number of friends you have.
$AVATARYour avatar. Can be used as an image key for Custom Activity.
$OSThe operating system of your PC.
$ARCHThe architecture of your PC.
$CPUThe name of your CPU.
$RAMUSAGEThe amount of RAM being used in GB.
$RAMPERCENTThe percentage of RAM being used.
$DISKUSAGEThe amount of disk space being used in GB.
$DISKPERCENTThe percentage of disk space being used.
$SONGNAMEThe name of the song you are listening to.
$SONGARTISTThe artist of the song you are listening to.
$SONGALBUMThe album of the song you are listening to.
$SONGDURATIONThe duration of the song you are listening to.
$SONGCOVERThe cover of the song you are listening to. Can be used as an image key for Custom Activity.
$SONGLINKThe link to the song you are listening to.
$WEATHER(LOCATION)The current weather in the specified location.$WEATHER(Paris)
$TEMPC(LOCATION)The current temperature in Celsius.$TEMPC(Paris)
$TEMPF(LOCATION)The current temperature in Fahrenheit.$TEMPF(Paris)