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Slash Command Jobs

Slash command jobs can be used to execute a slash command at a specific interval. You can use the listscjobs command to get a list of all current slash command jobs.


Slash command jobs are saved in your configuration file, so they will persist after restarting LightningBot.

Creating a job

You can use the createscjob command to create a job. Here is an example:

[p]createscjob daily-getter #bot-commands @Dank Memer 24h daily

This will create a job that executes the slash command daily in the channel #bot-commands every day.

If the command you want to execute has options, you can add these as well. Here is an example:

[p]createscjob daily-deposit #bot-commands @Dank Memer 24h deposit 1000

This is equivalent to executing /deposit 1000 every day in the channel #bot-commands.

You can manage the slash command job using the name you provided.

Deleting a job

You can use the deletescjob command to delete a job. Here is an example:

[p]deletescjob daily-deposit

This will delete the job with the name daily-deposit.

Editing a job

You can use setscjobcommand, setscjobchannel and setscjobinterval to edit a job. Below are some examples:

[p]setscjobcommand daily-deposit @Dank Memer monthly

[p]setscjobchannel daily-deposit #general

[p]setscjobinterval daily-deposit 12h