Welcome to the LightningBot documentation! Here, you can discover the capabilities of LightningBot, learn how to configure it, and gain insights into its usage. Should you have any queries or require assistance, please don't hesitate to join our Discord server and reach out in the support channel.
What is a selfbot?
A selfbot is a Discord bot designed to operate on a regular user account. Think of it as a personal assistant that responds to your commands to perform various tasks. The primary purpose of a selfbot is to simplify and improve your Discord experience by performing actions like sending messages, altering your avatar, status, or activity, and much more. You can back up your servers and account, control your Spotify music, and receive essential notifications, like when someone mentions you, when you get banned from a server, or when there's a new login to your account.
A selfbot does not require your Discord email and password for access. Instead, it utilizes a token. This token is a unique string of letters and numbers that serves as your account's authentication key. It's very import to protect your token since anyone with access to it can access your account.
Creating an account
To begin using LightningBot, you'll need to create an account. Follow these simple steps:
- Visit the sign-up page.
- Enter your preferred username and password.
- Before creating your account, make sure to review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Upon successfully creating your account, you'll be instantly logged in and redirected to the dashboard.
The Dashboard
The Dashboard is your central hub for managing and accessing key features related to your LightningBot account. Here's what you can do from the dashboard:
- View and modify your account details.
- Redeem or purchase a license key.
- Download LightningBot.
If you're currently running LightningBot, you can also do the following directly from the dashboard:
- Monitor the console output.
- Change the configuration settings.
Furthermore, you have the option to utilize our hosting service from the dashboard. This service allows you to operate LightningBot on our servers, eliminating the need to run it on your own computer. If you're interested in learning more about the hosting service, please visit our dedicated hosting documentation.
While setting an email address is optional, it's strongly recommended. This ensures a convenient way to recover your password if you ever forget it. In case you need to reset your password, simply click the "Forgot password" button on the login page. An email with instructions to reset your password will be sent to your registered email address. If you haven't provided an email address, reach out to us on Discord for assistance with password recovery.