Config Commands
Config commands can be used to configure all of the settings for LightningBot. You can also change these settings in the UI or dashboard.
Config Commands can be used to get or set a value. Here are some examples of how to use them:
[p]commandprefix get
- Get the current command prefix.[p]title set RandomBot
- Set the title toRandomBot
.[p]delcommands toggle
- Toggle delete commands.[p]clientspoof values
- Get the available values for the client spoof setting.
Command List
Command | Description | Usage |
commandprefix | Get or set the command prefix | [p]commandprefix <get/set> [value] |
commandmode | Get or set the command mode | [p]commandmode <get/set/values> [value] |
title | Get or set the title | [p]title <get/set> [value] |
footer | Get or set the footer | [p]footer <get/set> [value] |
delresponses | Get, set or toggle if the bot should delete responses to commands | [p]delresponses <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
delresponsesdelay | Get or set the delay before deleting responses | [p]delresponsesdelay <get/set> [value] |
delcommands | Get, set or toggle if the bot should delete commands | [p]delcommands <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
clientspoof | Get or set the bot's client spoof | [p]clientspoof <get/set/values> [value] |
timezone | Get or set the timezone | [p]timezone <get/set> [value] |
embedcolor | Get or set the Embed Color (for URL Embeds) | [p]embedcolor <get/set> [hex color] |
embedimage | Get or set the Embed Image (for URL Embeds) | [p]embedimage <get/set> [url] |
embedurl | Get or set the Embed URL (for URL Embeds) | [p]embedurl <get/set> [url] |
aliases | Get, add, remove or clear command aliases | [p]aliases <get/add/rm/clear> [alias] [command] |
notifications | Get, set, toggle, or get an example of toast notifications | [p]notifications <get/set/toggle/example> [on/off] |
nitrosniper | Get, set or toggle the Nitro Sniper | [p]nitrosniper <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
giveawaysniper | Get, set or toggle the Giveaway Sniper | [p]giveawaysniper <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
giveawaysnipersleep | Get or set the Giveaway Sniper sleep delay | [p]giveawaysnipersleep <get/set> [value] |
customgiveawaybots | Get, add, remove or clear custom giveaway bots | [p]customgiveawaybots <get/add/rm/clear> [bot] |
sniperblacklist | Get, add, remove or clear the sniper blacklist | [p]sniperblacklist <get/add/rm/clear> [value] |
sniperserverblacklist | Get, add, remove or clear the sniper server blacklist | [p]sniperserverblacklist <get/add/rm/clear> [server id] |
multitokensniper | Get, set or toggle the Multi Token Sniper | [p]multitokensniper <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
snipertokens | Get, add, remove or clear Multi Token Sniper tokens | [p]snipertokens <get/add/rm/clear> [value] |
privnotesniper | Get, set or toggle the Privnote Sniper | [p]privnotesniper <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
poketwosniper | Get, set or toggle the Pok├®Two Sniper | [p]poketwosniper <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
poketwosleep | Get or set the Pok├®Two Sniper catch delay | [p]poketwosleep <get/set> [value] |
poketworandomsleep | Get, set or toggle the Pok├®Two Sniper random sleep | [p]poketworandomsleep <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
poketwotimeout | Get or set the Pok├®Two Sniper timeout | [p]poketwotimeout <get/set> [value] |
poketwotyping | Get, set or toggle the Pok├®Two typing | [p]poketwotyping <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
poketwocatchrate | Get or set the Pok├®Two catch rate | [p]poketwocatchrate <get/set> [percentage] |
poketwofakeactivity | Get, set or toggle the Pok├®Two fake activity | [p]poketwofakeactivity <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
poketwochannels | Get, add, remove or clear Pok├®Two channels | [p]poketwochannels <get/add/rm/clear> [channel] |
poketwolanguage | Get or set the Pok├®Two Sniper catch language | [p]poketwolanguage <get/set/values> [language] |
setupwebhooks | Automatically set up all webhooks | [p]setupwebhooks [server id] |
wall | Set all webhooks at once | [p]wall [webhook url] |
wnitrosniper | Get or set the Nitro Sniper webhook | [p]wnitrosniper <get/set> [webhook url] |
wgiveawaysniper | Get or set the Giveaway Sniper webhook | [p]wgiveawaysniper <get/set> [webhook url] |
wselfbotdetection | Get or set the Selfbot Detection webhook | [p]wselfbotdetection <get/set> [webhook url] |
wstaffdetection | Get or set the Staff Detection webhook | [p]wstaffdetection <get/set> [webhook url] |
wnotifiers | Get or set the Notifiers webhook | [p]wnotifiers <get/set> [webhook url] |
wpingdetection | Get or set the Ping Detection webhook | [p]wpingdetection <get/set> [webhook url] |
wmisc | Get or set the Miscellaneous webhook | [p]wmisc <get/set> [webhook url] |
wsessions | Get or set the Sessions webhook | [p]wsessions <get/set> [webhook url] |
wpingself | Get, set or toggle Ping Self for webhooks | [p]wpingself <get/set/values> [value] |
wpingeveryone | Get, set or toggle Ping Everyone for webhooks | [p]wpingeveryone <get/set/values> [value] |
bannotifier | Get, set or toggle the Ban Notifier | [p]bannotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
staffdetection | Get, set or toggle the Staff Detection | [p]staffdetection <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
pingdetection | Get, set or toggle the Ping Detection | [p]pingdetection <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
ticketnotifier | Get, set or toggle the Ticket Notifier | [p]ticketnotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
sessionconnected | Get, set or toggle the Session Connected Notifier | [p]sessionconnected <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
sessiondisconnected | Get, set or toggle the Session Disconnected Notifier | [p]sessiondisconnected <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
selfbotdetection | Get, set or toggle the Selfbot Detection | [p]selfbotdetection <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
dmtypingnotifier | Get, set or toggle the DM Typing Notifier | [p]dmtypingnotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
dmnotifier | Get, set or toggle the DM Notifier | [p]dmnotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
dmeditnotifier | Get, set or toggle the DM Edit Notifier | [p]dmeditnotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
dmdeletenotifier | Get, set or toggle the DM Delete Notifier | [p]dmdeletenotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
messagedeletenotifier | Get, set or toggle the Message Delete Notifier | [p]messagedeletenotifier <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
uitheme | Get or set the UI theme | [p]uitheme <get/set/values> [value] |
hidetosystray | Get, set or toggle Hide UI To Systray | [p]hidetosystray <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
runuionstartup | Get, set or toggle Run UI on Startup | [p]runuionstartup <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |
runbotonstartup | Get, set or toggle Run Selfbot on Startup | [p]runbotonstartup <get/set/toggle> [on/off] |