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Currency Commands

Currency commands can be used to get information about (crypto)currencies and convert between them.

Price Info

The priceinfo command can be used to get information about a (crypto)currency. Here are some examples of how to use it:

  • [p]priceinfo btc - Convert from BTC to USD and EUR.
  • [p]priceinfo gbp - Convert from GBP to USD and EUR.
  • [p]priceinfo doge,ltc usd,eur - Convert from DOGE and LTC to USD and EUR.
  • [p]priceinfo btc,eth,ltc eur - Convert from BTC, ETH and LTC to EUR.

Stock Commands

The searchsymbol and symbolinfo commands can be used to get information about stocks. Here are some examples of how to use them:

  • [p]searchsymbol AAPL - Search for the symbol of Apple Inc.
  • [p]symbolinfo AAPL - Get information about Apple Inc.

Command List

btcaddressGet information about a Bitcoin address[p]btcaddress <address>
btctransactionGet information about a Bitcoin transaction[p]btctransaction <hash>
ethaddressGet information about an Ethereum address[p]ethaddress <address>
ethtransactionGet information about an Ethereum transaction[p]ethtransaction <hash>
ltcaddressGet information about a Litecoin address[p]ltcaddress <address>
ltctransactionGet information about a Litecoin transaction[p]ltctransaction <address>
dashaddressGet information about a Dash address[p]dashaddress <address>
dashtransactionGet information about a Dash transaction[p]dashtransaction <address>
dogeaddressGet information about a Dogecoin address[p]dogeaddress <address>
dogetransactionGet information about a Dogecoin transaction[p]dogetransaction <address>
priceinfoGet price information from a (crypto)currency[p]priceinfo <from symbol> [to symbol]
searchsymbolSearch for a stock market symbol[p]searchsymbol <query>
symbolinfoGet information about a stock market symbol[p]symbolinfo <symbol>