Fun Commands
Fun commands are a collection of random commands that are meant to be used for fun. In this category, you will find commands like eightball
, coinflip
and joke
Command List
Command | Description | Usage |
eightball | Asks the 8-Ball a question | [p]eightball <question> |
howgay | See how gay a person is | [p]howgay <user> |
howsimp | See how simp a person is | [p]howsimp <user> |
penis | See how big a person's penis is | [p]penis <user> |
ego | See how big a person's ego is | [p]ego <user> |
iqtest | Test a person's IQ | [p]iqtest <user> |
hack | Fake hack a person | [p]hack <user> |
insult | Insult a person | [p]insult |
dadjoke | Send a random dad joke | [p]dadjoke |
yomomma | Send a random yo momma joke | [p]yomomma |
wouldyourather | Send a random would you rather question | [p]wouldyourather |
topic | Send a conversation topic | [p]topic |
slot | Play the slot machine | [p]slot |
advice | Send random advice | [p]advice |
catfact | Send a random cat fact | [p]catfact |
dogfact | Send a random dog fact | [p]dogfact |
pandafact | Send a random panda fact | [p]pandafact |
foxfact | Send a random fox fact | [p]foxfact |
koalafact | Send a random koala fact | [p]koalafact |
birdfact | Send a random bird fact | [p]birdfact |
redpandafact | Send a random red panda fact | [p]redpandafact |
whalefact | Send a random whale fact | [p]whalefact |
kangaroofact | Send a random whale fact | [p]kangaroofact |
bunnyfact | Send a random bunny fact | [p]bunnyfact |
lionfact | Send a random lion fact | [p]lionfact |
frogfact | Send a random frog fact | [p]frogfact |
duckfact | Send a random duck fact | [p]duckfact |
penguinfact | Send a random penguin fact | [p]penguinfact |
dolphinfact | Send a random dolphin fact | [p]dolphinfact |
bearfact | Send a random bear fact | [p]bearfact |
axolotlfact | Send a random axolotl fact | [p]axolotlfact |
capybarafact | Send a random capybara fact | [p]capybarafact |
trivia | Send a random trivia question | [p]trivia |
dice | Roll a dice | [p]dice |
randomemoji | Send a random emoji from ther current server [server only] | [p]randomemoji |
randomchannel | Send a random channel from ther current server [server only] | [p]randomchannel |
choose | Choose a random item from the list of items | [p]choose <option1> <option2> ... |
poll | Create a poll | [p]poll <question> |
numberfact | Send a random fact about a number | [p]numberfact <number> |
joke | Send a random joke | [p]joke |
fml | Send a random fuck my life quote | [p]fml |
tronald | Send a random Donald Trump quote | [p]tronald |
kanyewest | Send a random Kanye West quote | [p]kanyewest |
rps | Play rock paper scissors | [p]rps <rock/paper/scissors> |
covidtest | Test someone for Covid-19 | [p]covidtest <user> |
hug | Send someone | [p]hug |
kiss | Kiss someone | [p]kiss |
slap | Slap someone | [p]slap |
cuddle | Cuddle someone | [p]cuddle |
pat | Pat someone | [p]pat |
feed | Feed someone | [p]feed |
wink | Wink to someone | [p]wink |
chucknorris | Send a random Chuck Norris joke | [p]chucknorris |
iss | Send the current ISS coordinates | [p]iss |
apod | Send NASA's Astronomy Picture Of The Day | [p]apod |
httpcat | Send a HTTP Cat image | [p]httpcat <statuscode> |
riddle | Send a random riddle | [p]riddle |
quote | Send a random quote | [p]quote |
evilinsult | Send a random evil insult | [p]evilinsult |
owoify | Owoify text | [p]owoify <text> |
uwuify | Uwuify text | [p]uwuify <text> |
uvuify | Uvuify text | [p]uvuify <text> |
rickrollurl | Send the rick roll url | [p]rickrollurl |
rickroll | Send the rick roll lyrics | [p]rickroll |
coinflip | Flip a coin | [p]coinflip |
notfunny | Send a not funny copypasta | [p]notfunny |
randomquestion | Send a random question | [p]randomquestion |
lyrics | Get the lyrics of a song | [p]lyrics <song name> |
breakingbadquote | Send a random Breaking Badquote | [p]breakingbadquote |
gameofthronesquote | Send a random Game of Thrones quote | [p]gameofthronesquote |
luciferquote | Send a random Lucifer quote | [p]luciferquote |
strangerthingsquote | Send a random Stranger Things quote | [p]strangerthingsquote |
xkcd | Send the current XKCD comic | [p]xkcd |
boredactivity | Send a random activity to do when bored | [p]boredactivity |
ermahgerd | Translate text to ERMAHGERD | [p]ermahgerd <text> |
iseven | Check if a number is even | [p]iseven <number> |
agify | Determine the age of a first name | [p]agify <name> |
randomword | Get a random word | [p]randomword |
randomweirdword | Get a random weird word | [p]randomweirdword |
startupidea | Get a random startup idea | [p]startupidea |
fakeperson | Generate an image of a fake person | [p]fakeperson |
commitmessage | Generate a random commit message | [p]commitmessage |
showerthought | Send a random shower thought | [p]showerthought |
truth | Play Truth or Dare | [p]truth |
dare | Play Truth or Dare | [p]dare |
neverhaveiever | Play Never have I ever... | [p]neverhaveiever |
paranoia | Send a random paranoia question | [p]paranoia |
randomcolor | Generate a random color | [p]randomcolor |
pickupline | Generate a pickup line | [p]pickupline |
elementinfo | Get info about a periodic table element | [p]elementinfo <element> |
randomelement | Get info about a random periodic table element | [p]randomelement |