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Spotify Commands

Spotify commands can be used to control your Spotify music playback from within Discord.


In order to use Spotify commands, your Spotify account must be connected to your Discord account. You can do this in your Discord settings under Connections.

You also need to have an active Spotify session. To do this, open the Spotify app on a device and start playing a song.

Command List

spausePause Spotify Music[p]spause
sresumeResume Spotify Music[p]sresume
spreviousPlay the previous song[p]sprevious
snextPlay the next song[p]snext
splayPlay a song on Spotify[p]splay <song name>
squeueQueue a song to play after the current one[p]squeue <song name>
splayingCurrent playing song info[p]splaying
svolumeChange Spotify volume[p]svolume <volume>
sshuffleTurn shuffle on or off[p]sshuffle <on/off>
srepeatChange the Spotify repeat mode[p]srepeat <track/context/off>
sseekSeek to a specific time in the song[p]sseek <seconds>
sdevicesGet your available Spotify devices[p]sdevices
sprofileGet your Spotify profile info[p]sprofile
sbearertokenGet your Spotify bearer token used for the API[p]sbearertoken
slistenalongSend a Spotify listen along invite[p]slistenalong [content]