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Activity Commands

Activity commands can be used to change your Discord status and activity.

Custom Activity Commands

Custom Activity commands can be used to set a custom activity on your Discord account. If you're using the UI version of LightningBot, you will be able to see a preview of the activity.

Activity Types

There are 2 types of custom activities that you can set: RPC and Custom Activity.

RPC (Rich Presence)

RPC activity works by connecting with the Discord app on your computer and sending activity data to it. This means that you will need to have the Discord app running to be able to use RPC. You also need to have a Discord application on the Discord Developer Portal to be able to use RPC. RPC activities only support the "Playing" activity type.

To customize the images of your RPC activity, you can either create a new image in your Discord application or use the link of your image as the image key.

Custom Activity

Unlike RPC, you don't need to have Discord running or a Discord application to use Custom Activities. Custom Activities are sent directly to Discord's servers, so they will work even if the Discord app is closed. Custom Activities support all activity types: Playing, Listening, Watching, Streaming, Competing and Spotify. To add custom images, you can use the cacreateimagekey command. This will create a key that you can pass to the calargeimage and casmallimage commands to set the image. Custom Activity, like RPC, also has support for buttons with custom labels and links that will show up on your profile.

Custom Activity Platform

Custom Activity supports a variety of platforms for the Playing activity type. You can set the platform using the caplatform command. The available platforms are: Default, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Samsung.

Activity Presets

Activity presets are a way to save your custom activity settings and load them later. You can manage your presets using the capresets command. You can set a built-in preset as your custom activity using the activitypresets command.


You can use dynamic variables in the Custom Activity fields to customize the activity. See the Variables page for more information about dynamic variables.


  • Using LightningBot $VERSION for $UPTIME
  • Listening to $SONGNAME by $SONGARTIST

Command List

statusSet your Discord status[p]status <online/dnd/idle/invisible>
customstatusChange your custom status[p]customstatus [text]
clearactivityClear activity[p]clearactivity
copyactivityCopy a user's activity[p]copyactivity <user> [save to config: on/off]
getactivityjsonGet a users activity in JSON format[p]getactivityjson <user>
setactivityjsonSet your activity using raw JSON[p]setactivityjson <save to config: on/off> <json>
cactivityGet, set or toggle Custom Activity[p]cactivity <get/set/toggle> [on/off]
capauseforotherGet, set or toggle Pause CA for other Activity[p]capauseforother <get/set/toggle> [on/off]
caconnectiontypeGet or set the Custom Activity connection type[p]caconnectiontype <get/set/values> [value]
catypeGet or set the Custom Activity type[p]catype <get/set/values> [value]
caplatformGet or set the Custom Activity platform[p]caplatform <get/set/values> [value]
caclientidGet or set the Custom Activity Client ID[p]caclientid <get/set> [value]
canameGet or set the Custom Activity Name[p]caname <get/set> [value]
castateGet or set the Custom Activity State[p]castate <get/set> [value]
cadetailsGet or set the Custom Activity Details[p]cadetails <get/set> [value]
cainvitableGet, set or toggle if RPC is invitable[p]cainvitable <get/set/toggle> [on/off]
catimeGet, set or toggle if Custom Activity shows time[p]catime <get/set/toggle> [on/off]
castreamingurlGet or set the URL for the Streaming activity[p]castreamingurl <get/set> [value]
cacreateimagekeyCreate an image key for Custom Activity[p]cacreateimagekey <image url>
cacreatespotifykeyCreate an Spotify image key for Custom Activity[p]cacreatespotifykey <song name>
calargeimageGet or set the Custom Activity large image key[p]calargeimage <get/set> [value]
calargetextGet or set the Custom Activity large image text[p]calargetext <get/set> [value]
casmallimageGet or set the Custom Activity small image key[p]casmallimage <get/set> [value]
casmalltextGet or set the Custom Activity small image text[p]casmalltext <get/set> [value]
cabutton1Get or set the label and URL of the first button[p]cabutton1 <get/set> ["label"] [url]
cabutton2Get or set the label and URL of the second button[p]cabutton2 <get/set> ["label"] [url]
capresetsManage Custom Activity presets[p]capresets <get/load/next/save/rm/list/clear> [name]
activitypresetsSet or view built-in Custom Activity presets[p]activitypresets <set/values> [name] [text]