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Dumping Commands

Dumping commands can be used to dump information from Discord. You can dump (download) messages, attachments, emojis, members, and more.


Dumped files are stored in LightningBot/Dumping/.

Command List

dumpallDump all messages in a channel[p]dumpall [channel]
dumpimagesDump all images in a channel[p]dumpimages [channel]
dumpvideosDump all videos in a channel[p]dumpvideos [channel]
dumpaudioDump all audio files in a channel[p]dumpaudio [channel]
dumptextDump all text files in a channel[p]dumptext [channel]
dumpattachmentsDump all attachments in a channel[p]dumpattachments [channel]
dumpfiletypeDump certain files in a channel[p]dumpfiletype <extension> [channel]
dumpcontenttypeDump certain files in a channel[p]dumpcontenttype <content type> [channel]
dumpemojisDump all emojis in a server[p]dumpemojis [server id]
dumpstickersDump all stickers in a server[p]dumpstickers [server id]
dumpavatarsDump all avatars from members in a server[p]dumpavatars [server id]
dumpchannelsDump all channels in a server[p]dumpchannels [server id]
dumpmembersDump all members in a server[p]dumpmembers [server id]